Welcome to Hertfordshire Walker

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Footpath closure image by Hertfordshire Walker

Latest closure notices

Every month the Hertfordshire County Council ROW team sends us the latest list of temporary traffic regulation orders (TTROs) affecting Hertfordshire rights of way (ROW).

We then update the spreadsheet below so that anyone planning a walk in the Hertfordshire countryside can check whether any ROWs are closed before setting off. Please check this page before planning any walk.

If you find that a public right of way on a walk you are planning is marked as being closed, please choose another route. These are 'temporary' closure orders, so the ROW will reopen. The list shows the date it is closed from and the duration of the work taking place.

Scroll through the spread sheet below left to right and up and down to see all relevant information including the name of the ROW, the section affected by the closure, the work being undertaken, the start date, and the likely duration.


  1. Thank you David, that information will help a lot of walkers in the group.

    1. Thanks, yes, I thought it was worth keeping in touch with the HCC ROW team so that we know in advance which public rights of way are undergoing maintenance. Glad you find it useful.

    2. This does not scroll sufficiently sideways to read the comment

    3. Hi, there are no comments, just the following headings: ROW, Location, Works, Closure from, Duration. It scrolls fine for me using both the desktop and the mobile versions of Hertfordshire Walker. What are you using to access the information?


Comments and feedback
If you try any of the walks on this site, please let us know what you thought of them. You can either comment here, or on our members-only Facebook Group where walkers are sharing photographs of their walks and walking tips. Comments on our Facebook Group go live immediately, as they do on our Facebook Page. Comments here on our website are moderated, so there will be a slight delay before what you write goes live.

Facebook group rules

Facebook group rules
We have set 10 rules for our Hertfordshire Walker Facebook group which are designed to help keep the group focused on walking in the Hertfordshire countryside

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