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Walk 225: Rushden North Loop

4.4 miles (7 km) with 72m of total ascent

The bridleway 24 between points 5 & 6
The bridleway 24 between points 5 & 6
This walk explores the countryside N of the village of Rushden following well-defined paths over rolling countryside. It includes stretches of woodland and some lane walking. There are opportunities for refreshments at a pub and at a garden centre cafe along the way. Signs have been erected along some stretches asking dog owners to keep their pets on a lead. The starting point for the walk is 5.3 miles SE from Baldock Station by road.

Fly through preview of walk

If you want to check what sort of landscape you will be crossing before you set off on this walk you can view a short 3D video of the route below. It's created using the free version of Relive.

We also have a short video showing some of the scenes along the way.


Walk 225: Rushden North Loop
Walk 225: Rushden North Loop
Click here or on the map for a larger version
Map created on MapHub - 
copyright details here
There is an interactive map below the directions
Those with GPS devices can download GPX or KML files for this walk. We've added What3Words location references for those who use that system. If you print these walks you might want to use the green PrintFriendly icon at the bottom of these directions to delete elements such as photographs.

There are two parking opportunities for this walk. The first is in the car park at St Mary's Church (location - https://w3w.co/senders.explains.refutes) at the start of the walk. The churchwarden, Karen, told me that people following our walks are welcome to park there, and, because the church pays to maintain the car park, any donations placed in the hole in the wall on the righthand side inside the church door would be most welcome.

The other option is the car park at Mill End Plants and Cafe at point 3 in the walk. Helen, the manager, told me that people are welcome to use their car park if they are buying plants at the nursery or refreshments at the cafe before or after their walk. However they are not open on Mondays (except bank holidays). The opening hours or 9-4.

1: From the car park at St Mary's Church, a Grade II* listed building, head SW to a footpath at the right of the parish council office (location - https://w3w.co/deposits.gushes.abundance), see image below.

Take the footpath at the SW corner of the car park
Take the footpath at the SW corner of the car park
Turn right on Rushden & Wallington footpath 10 then head NNW for 30m until the path forks (location - https://w3w.co/recitals.hacksaw.camcorder), see image below.

Take the left fork then head NW to join Rushden & Wallington footpath 7
Take the left fork then head NW to join Rushden & Wallington footpath 7
Take the left fork then head NW to join Rushden & Wallington footpath 7 then head NW for 125m until you cross a track (location - https://w3w.co/tailors.continues.requested), see image below.

Head W on Rushden & Wallington footpath 7
Head W on Rushden & Wallington footpath 7
Continue straight, now heading W on Rushden & Wallington footpath 7 for 100m until you reach a footbridge leading to a lane (location - https://w3w.co/padlock.unites.longingly).

The Moon & Stars
The Moon & Stars
2: Turn left on the lane then head S, passing the Moon & Stars pub on the right (location - https://w3w.co/dynasties.clown.conquests), and continuing for 280m until you reach Mill End Plants and Tea Room on the right (location - https://w3w.co/washing.salaried.observer).

3: Immediately before Mill End Plants (location - https://w3w.co/deflation.lost.reader), take the footpath on the right, Rushden & Wallington footpath 12 (location - https://w3w.co/cheat.changed.decanter), see image below.

Take Rushden & Wallington footpath 12 on the right
Take Rushden & Wallington footpath 12 on the right
Head W on Rushden & Wallington footpath 12 for 500m until you reach a junction (location - https://w3w.co/overjoyed.digesting.buying), see image below.

Turn right on Rushden & Wallington bridleway 42
Turn right on Rushden & Wallington bridleway 42
4: Turn right on Rushden & Wallington bridleway 42, which is also known as Shawgreen Lane, then head NNW for 510m until you reach a fork (location - https://w3w.co/touched.pioneered.peroxide), see image below.

Take the righthand fork then continue heading NNW
Take the righthand fork then continue heading NNW
Take the righthand fork then head NNW, still on Rushden & Wallington bridleway 42, passing a house on the left (location - https://w3w.co/couriers.awestruck.starfish), and continuing until you reach a junction (location - https://w3w.co/renovated.eaten.statement), see image below.

Turn left at the junction then head S on a track
Turn left at the junction then head S on a track
5: Turn left at the junction then head S for 20m looking out for a bridleway on the right (location - https://w3w.co/eliminate.sharpened.meanders), see image below.

Turn right on Rushden & Wallington bridleway 24
Turn right on Rushden & Wallington bridleway 24
Turn right on Rushden & Wallington bridleway 24 then head W for 170m then NNW and NNE for 835m passing a footpath on your right (location - https://w3w.co/earphones.though.joined) and continuing until you reach the second footpath on your right (location - https://w3w.co/promising.defeated.surviving), see image below.

Turn right on Rushden & Wallington footpath 46
Turn right on Rushden & Wallington footpath 46
6: Turn right on Rushden & Wallington footpath 46 then head E for 490m crossing one junction (location - https://w3w.co/lends.bronzed.list) and continuing until you reach a second junction (location - https://w3w.co/novelists.flopped.flinches), see image below.

Turn right on Rushden & Wallington footpath 34
Turn right on Rushden & Wallington footpath 34
7: Turn right on Rushden & Wallington footpath 34 then cross a field heading SE for 230m until you reach a lane (location - https://w3w.co/umpires.crunching.translate), see image below.

Turn right on the lane then take the footpath on the left
Turn right on the lane then take the footpath on the left
8: Turn right on the lane then head SE for 25m looking for a footpath on the left (location - https://w3w.co/mandates.overcomes.singles). Turn left on Rushden & Wallington footpath 1, then head E for 820m until you reach a footbridge on the right leading to Rushden Road (location - https://w3w.co/snowballs.nipped.jiffy), see image below.

Cross the footbridge then turn left and head E on Rushden Road
Cross the footbridge then turn left and head E on Rushden Road
9: Cross the footbridge then turn left and head E on Rushden Road for 420m until you reach a footpath on the right as the road bends left (location - https://w3w.co/vaccines.seemingly.safely), see image below.

Turn right on Rushden & Wallington footpath 20
Turn right on Rushden & Wallington footpath 20
10: There are two public rights of way at this point. You turn right on the first, Rushden & Wallington footpath 20, then head SE for 650m until you reach a footpath junction (location - https://w3w.co/udder.blip.cavalier), see image below.

Turn right on Rushden & Wallington footpath 4
Turn right on Rushden & Wallington footpath 4
11: Turn right on Rushden & Wallington footpath 4 then head SW for 445m until you reach a footpath on the left as you reach woodland on the right (location - https://w3w.co/foreheads.claw.lifeboats) , see image below.

Keep right on Rushden & Wallington footpath 43
Keep right on Rushden & Wallington footpath 43
12: Ignore the footpath on the left and keep right on Rushden & Wallington footpath 43 heading W for 275m, with Bachelor's Wood on your right, until you reach the end of the woodland (location - https://w3w.co/securing.shop.decoded) where the path bends left, see image below.

Rushden & Wallington footpath 43 bends left then heads S
Rushden & Wallington footpath 43 bends left then heads S
13: Continue, still on Rushden & Wallington footpath 43, but now heading S then SW for 440m until you reach a footpath crossing (location - https://w3w.co/cuddling.lunching.whisker), see image below.

Turn right on Rushden & Wallington footpath 7
Turn right on Rushden & Wallington footpath 7
14: Turn right on Rushden & Wallington footpath 7 then head W for 345m until you reach the churchyard of St Mary's Church, as the footpath passes the church then returns to the car park.

Update September 2024

A regular user of Hertfordshire Walker, Christine Johnson, has pointed out (see comments below these directions) that what appears to be deer-proof fencing has been erected along two sections of this walk since we published the directions. According to Christine, the fences, images below, are after point 10 and after point 12. Thanks to Christine for the update and for sharing the images.

The new fence between point 10 & 11
The new fence between point 10 & 11
Image courtesy of Christine Johnson

The new fence between point 12 & 13
The new fence between point 12 & 13
Image courtesy of Christine Johnson

Interactive map


  1. Went on this walk yesterday and only got caught in the rain at the end. Excellent directions and lovely open views across the countryside. Very muddy crossing the field at Point 7 but we had our wellies on and they got clean again in the long wet grass. We only met one lady and her dog the whole of the walk. Lucky to find a rickety old picnic bench (between 10 and 11 I think) to sit and have an apple. We had parked at Mill End Plants because we were going to have something in the cafe afterwards and we'd definitely recommend it. Unusual setting in a polytunnel but delicious soup and excellent warm fruit scone but sadly too full to try the great looking cakes. Cyclist, walker and dog friendly as well - what more could you want. Another great walk thank you Dave and Ellie for planning and posting all these walks.

    1. Wow, thanks for the detailed report. So glad you enjoyed it. And thanks, too, for the cafe recommendation. Very helpful for other walkers.

  2. Lovely varied walk. As often happens, we managed to go wrong very near the end of the walk. The image below section no.12 shows a footpath sign (for 43). However, this appears to be missing and we carried on walking until we reached Julian's mansion. Turned around and retraced our steps back to where the path bends left as described in 12/13 and managed to walk uphill then veering to the right along an unsignposted path until the path ran out. It was very overgrown and there were no public footpath signs along any of this section. We never found the footbridge/junction in 14. I expect we misinterpreted somewhere along the way but bit baffled as to what happened to that signpost. Worth mentioning that if there is a wedding in the church, you cannot park there. Probably applicable most Summer Saturdays.

    1. Sorry you missed the turn. Do you have a smart phone and do you download the GPX files? They are really good for making sure you are not straying from the path. Thanks for the tip about parking. David

  3. I do have a smartphone but don't usually download the files. Just take a printout. Will give that a go on the next walk. That last field (after the missing sign), the grass was thigh high which didn't help. Note to self:- Must do better!

  4. Did this walk again, this time, using GPX files. Spot on. The waymarker that was missing last year (or hidden by vegetation) was present and correct. It's a lovely varied walk with a decent amount of shade en route. We didn't see a soul on the walk. It's so peaceful and has some lovely views of the surrounding countryside. Great parking at the church. Started with coffee & lunch at Mill End Plants then after the walk we drove to Ashwell for tea & cake at the Parish Hall .

  5. Did this ealk for 1st time today (29/9/24) Great to be back doing Hertfordshire Walker routes after a fair while off for one reason or another. Went prepared for mud after last weeks Biblical down-pours but it was surprisingly mud free. One or 2 small areas of 'sticky under foot' & one area of a few puddles but all easily navagatable.
    What we did notice is 'miles & miles' of fairly new ( what we assumed to be) deer proof fencing. One area in instruction 10 point has a gate that you now have to go through, not mention in David's instructions, its clearly marked as footpath route. In instruction 12 there is another, larger gate with vehical access too which is not signed as route of footpath. I can't see to add photos here so will add them to Facebook page for Hertfordshire Walker. Enjoyable walk, thanks David.

    1. Thanks for the update. I look forward to seeing your photos in our Facebook group. :-)


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